Congratulations! You are finally engaged and have picked out your wedding photographer (me, of course haha). Now comes with the fret on what to wear to your session. Wardrobe is a huge part of how your images will come out and an imperative part of your photography investment.

Every session is different and amazing but it can be overwhelming to know what to wear to your session so I created five tips & tricks to have the most amazing engagement session yet. This guide also works for any of my couples or family sessions. I love how versatile these little tips and tricks can be!

1) Avoid patterns and loud prints

Simply put, they do not look great so try to avoid anything that is loud. We recommend either wearing neutral colors or adding in a bit of lace and any romantic touch is best.

2) Complementary Colors

Create a look that not only compliments you, it compliments each other. A loud orange color would not necessarily go with a purple dress. If you have any questions on complementary colors, I suggest heading to Pinterest to found out what outfits work.

3) Remember: Soft & Muted

If you remember anything from this post, try to remember colors that are soft and muted. They tend to stand out against darker backgrounds and look quite ethereal if we are heading to the beach. For women, I always suggest long flowing maxi dresses as they tend to photograph better. For men, I suggest wearing chinos/khakis with a button down shirt. Less pattern is more.

4) Don’t Hesitate To Ask

Seriously- just ask away! I have an entire closet full of fun dresses/outfits for my clients to borrow that range from size small to XL so please let me know if you would like to look at any of the options.

5) Check out Pinterest!

I have created a Pinterest board for you guys to check out that I update with each season. Check it out HERE for more information and style ideas.

Stylishly Yours, Victoria